For sale in abbotsford
Large protein skimmer body with a pump that needs a new impeller. $100
Medium protein skimmer with a syncra pump. $80
Red Sea Prism Deluxe hang on skimmer (needs new impeller or pump) $50
Turbo twist 9watt UV steralizer. $60
Tetratec 5 watt UV steralizer $40
Large box of assorted plumbing parts including ball valves and unions and lots of other goodies. $50
Bio Logic hang on filter with media screens and pump $40
kent Nitrogen Sponge (1g nearly full) $15
33g breeder tank side drilled as a refugium $30
72g hagen tank. $90
I seem to be having trouble uploading pics. I can sent them to u via an email if you want to see. Pm or call me at 604-614-0185