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Old 11-14-2012, 04:09 PM
Reefgoat Reefgoat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 54
Reefgoat is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
Well I guess I stand corrected. After a bit of research it does seem that some beneficials are removed by skimming, particularly by the more efficient skimmers available these days. However, depending on your system & what you keep, a certain amount of skimming is probably better than none at all. Having done the bit of research, I'm reassured that my counter current air stone driven model is a good choice for my system. I have no sump and have successfully kept a Mandarin in there for 5 years plus. I've never supplemented the tank with plankton or other additives & he doesn't appear to be starving! I must admit that he will take pellet food when it happens to come to rest on the substrate, which is not that often. Once in a while I try to target feed him with the pellets, but that's very rare occasion these days.
It's nice to hear of someone who has had long term success with a Mandarin. Far too many stories about them dying. Did he just start eating pellets eventually on his own or did you find that he would right from the start?
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