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Old 11-14-2012, 06:55 AM
Reefgoat Reefgoat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 54
Reefgoat is on a distinguished road

From what I understand Tisbe pods are Benthic and hide a lot so they aren't all immediately eaten. Tigger pods are primarily Pelagic and don't tend to hide. They will swim in the open and quickly be eaten by all your fish. Tisbe pods are a little more difficult to culture as they are tolerant of a relatively narrow range of temperature, salinity, and water quality whereas Tigger pods are much more hardy. Also this is not from personal experience, I have just been reading up on it as I have been planning to get a Mandarin for quite some time and want to be prepared.

I remember seeing a sponsor in Edmonton or Calgary who sells cultures of various live foods. If you do a search in the forums you could probably find it. I think it was Calgary.
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