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Old 11-14-2012, 03:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Nano View Post
Yes herbtana is 100% safe though, I wouldn't call it snake oil, I think your thinking of the time i steered you away from using kordon ich attack which is a whole nother thing.

If you are going to seed your tank monthly will most likely not keep up with the mandarins eating habits. Remember your other fish eat them too, though it is not their sole dietary need. I would be going weekly in a smaller tank, as they will get cleaned up faster then they will reproduce
Yah herbtana is a great product. My fishes actually recovered automatically so didn't buy that. But there are people who call those "snake oil". I clearly remember some in that post

Anyway back to the topic; I feel like I don't have any pod eating inhabitant. I got a pair of clown, a banggai and a firefish. I will using the fuge as breeding ground. Currently, its the breeding ground for amphipod and trust me, there's LOT of them! Don't you think 6oz bottle will be good enough for the breeding cycle for a month?

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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