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Old 11-12-2012, 02:33 AM
Calgarynewtankguy's Avatar
Calgarynewtankguy Calgarynewtankguy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 84
Calgarynewtankguy is on a distinguished road

quick update... Tank is cycling away. Ammonia is spiking hard. Skimmer is working awesome, pulling out about 1.5 cups of ugly brown stuff every day. set up an ATO of sorts, pre filled a container with 6 gal of RO/DI water put a small maxi jet pump in the container and plumbed a 3/8 tube into my sump. Made 2 marks on the side of my sump showing min. water level and where to fill to...... Now the wife just plugs in the pump and watches the level and unplugs when it is at the max. mark......... my new ATO (at least until my switches arrive

on another note I have changed to running the lights only 2 hours a day to minimize algae growth if possible.

let the waiting game begin
150Gal 48x24x30 with centre rear overflow (1" controlled drain with 1 1/2" emergency and 1" pump return)
33 gal sump/refugium
Sun System Tek-light T5 6 bulb
Mag18 return pump
RLSS R8i skimmer
Neptune Apex controller
BRS combe reactor (carbon GFO)
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