Originally Posted by lastlight
Looking really good so far! Your sink even has a cute little ptrap lol.
I'm guessing doors will go across the sump closet... how are you going to deal with all the humidity in there?
Yes, the doors will be installed back on the closet. I am installing a large exhaust fan that will suck the air out and zip it down and out a dryer vent. I so badly wish I could afford a HRV, but thats not in the cards. I'm also running a de-humidifier in the room outside the closets.
Originally Posted by sphelps
Pretty cool! I have two recommendations
1. Install small overflow box in skimmer tank and go with a straight Herbie instead of the durso. It will be quieter but more importantly eliminate the air bubbles at the sock so less issues relating to salt creep and humidity. You're already putting in the two drains, so really super minor change with a decent benefit.
2. Emergency overflows in your Brute containers that tie into the drain for your laundry sink. Just encase those manual floats get stuck or leak.
Also consider an the same thing for your main sump.
Killer suggestions. I actually have a smaller overflow thats already together that will fit perfectly into the skimmer tank! I'll silicone that into place tonight.
The mixing station will have emergency drains put in as well. Just got to figure out the best way to do it. Probably just a 3/4" bulkhead leading to the sink. The sump is a different story... I have no idea if it is tempered or not.
Does anyone know how to tell if glass is tempered? I'd love to be able to drill the sump to have an emergency drain.