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Old 11-08-2012, 05:44 PM
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Calgarynewtankguy Calgarynewtankguy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 84
Calgarynewtankguy is on a distinguished road

ok day 2 and as i read some threads on cycling my tank i came across a a thread stating measure your ammonia and if it is over 2ppm to do a complete water change...... well i measure mine today and i see about 3 to 4 ppm ammonia.....

instantly got up and performed a 25% water change, started making RO water and heading to LFS for salt.

I also read not to start with sand in the tank, of course i have seen other posts that say you can start with sand in the tank.

what is the general consensus? I have 3.5 inches of sand in the bottom.
150Gal 48x24x30 with centre rear overflow (1" controlled drain with 1 1/2" emergency and 1" pump return)
33 gal sump/refugium
Sun System Tek-light T5 6 bulb
Mag18 return pump
RLSS R8i skimmer
Neptune Apex controller
BRS combe reactor (carbon GFO)
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