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Old 11-08-2012, 12:35 AM
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Nano Nano is offline
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Location: Wetaskiwin Alberta
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Nano is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Titus99 View Post
Oh no. Better buy a metal detector

I once lost mine down heat duct luckily
The ceiling in basement is suspended
Yeah that's looking to be my best bet... Unless anyone has one I could borrow for a few hours locally, I would be for ever grateful.

Originally Posted by kien View Post
How did you lose 35lbs?! I can't seem to ever lose any weight.
Lol I stopped eating out all the time and dropped coffee. That was hard, but I feel 100% better. Also turns out apple's are like 5x better then a cup of coffee for waking you up (dont quote me on the 5x part lol)

My poor finger feels like its going to float away. I was going to try a magnet, but it turns out tungsten carbide isn't magnetic.Thanks google for getting my hopes up.

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Congrats on the weight loss!!!! 2 months after I got engaged, I took my ring off in the car to put lotion on my hands. Fiance drops me off in front of my building, I hop out and go to work. 3 hours later I realized my ring was missing. Called him at work to check the car - not there. Checked with security in my building to see if someone turned it in, nope. I go scour the sidewalk, in tears. Went back to work, then went looking again. I look along the curb and I see a sliver of sparke, my ring, was pretty much buried in the dirt.

Hope you find yours!!! Don't give up!
Thanks I hope I do.. its under 10" of snow right now I've been digging all night. No luck so far. Hopefully it melts in the next few days so I can find it!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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