Originally Posted by Jaws
How much were the containers from Corix if you don't mind me asking?
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I'm loath to say that I'm not totally sure. I had some arranged from a Andrew-Sheret and then my builder got these (they were higher quality) from Corix. Retail I think they were about $150 each but I'm not sure what my wholesale price is yet...I haven't got the bill.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
How big are they? It's hard to get a sense of scale looking at them (actually what's really weird is the picture of your tank room, the wood grain makes it look like the inside of a tank stand - it's the other things like light switches and plugs that hint at it not being 30" from one side to the other  ) .. but those tanks honestly don't look that much larger than my 2 50g barrels. That's awesome. When I looked into water storage I settled on 50g's because of space considerations and anything with more capacity was just way too big).
Edit: Are these them? http://www.premierplastics.com/utility.htm
These are each 100G tanks. As you can see in the picture below, they fit on my small stand well and still allow me to build something above them and make the most of my space. I couldn't figure a good method to stack them without making it tough to clean them when necessary.
I'm not sure if that's the original supplier. I will look again at the labels and get back to you on that. I can say that they are really built well.
Here's my sink setup in the fish room. I chose an Acrylic sink...hoping it won't discolor too much over time. I know my cabinet doesn't match but I keep reminding myself that this is a working room and looking pretty doesn't make it work any better.
Lastly, we got a little closer to working on the plumbing of the actual display but finishing a little more woodwork.