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Old 11-06-2012, 08:03 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

here goes nothing, current livestock list of things i know lol

chocolate mint favia
reverse aussie prism favia
toxic favia
bubble gum favia
rainbow favia
xmas favia
dragon soul favia
hollywood stunner
cotton candy
water melon
aussie alien eye
aussie duncans
golden scroll coral
neon green candy canes
tequilla sunrise blasto
neon green center blasto
fuzzy mushrooms
pink star polyps
metor shower cyphstrea
confused war coral
korky finger gorg
poker star monti
sunset monti
teal center candy canes
red center acan
red ricordia
blue eyed goniopora
pipe organ
red planet
blue polyp mille
hulh acro
blue dragon
green slimer
branching cyphastrea (meteor)
branching cyphastrea ( red)
yellow polyp gorgonian
blueberry gorgonian
black suncorals
yellow suncorals
orange carnation
purple with green splatters tube anemone


toxic revenge
captain america
darth mauls(gone but another frag on the way lol)
tyree space monsters
orange explosions
purple people eaters(melted)
red poeple eaters
blood red people eaters
soul reavers(melted)
blue agave(being reborn hopefully lol)
desert storm
fruit loops
la lakers
water melons
nuclear greens
purple deaths
armor of god
sour apples
valentines day massacres
pink mohawks
gold mohawks
flaming suns
pink elephants
purple elephants
lunar eclipse
aussie lunar eclipse
candy apple redds
green people eaters(bit the dust)
dark knight palys
yelloow jackets
blue riddler pe
sunny d's
mean greens
milky ways
molten lava
raptors rainbow
dragon paly
radioactive dragon eyes
blue eyed girls
white eye paly
dragons fire
tubbs blue
bam bam red
purple hornets( 2 types)

as for fish im way overstocked right now as i took in a friends set up and im still feeling them all out, once i move and the new cube is set up the fish can go to the other tanks.

bartlett anthias
pj cardinal x 3
green mandarin
copperband butterfly
moorish idol

fire shrimp x 1
cleaner shrimp x 1
harlequin shrimp x 2
peppermint shrimp x 12
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