Thread: PE = happy SPS?
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Old 11-06-2012, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
No, I put frags in my tank this morning that sat all night in bags after a trip from the mainland, they had PE within 20 minutes. It shouldn't take days at all.
I see many acros that doesn't have PE (or very microscopic PE). Like the branchy branchy one (tri color I guess). Plus I was looking through some forums (ah yah my curiosity :$) and saw that there are people claiming they see no PE but their corals grow.

My digitatas have great PE at like 2/3rd down from the top. So, I guess they are happy right?

I kept my acros at the top rock (picture in my signature but doesn't have the acros; was just added yesterday) with good flow. I am putting smaller pieces of SPS in different locations to note how they perform :P

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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