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Old 11-05-2012, 10:20 PM
Calgarynewtankguy's Avatar
Calgarynewtankguy Calgarynewtankguy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: strathmore, Alberta
Posts: 84
Calgarynewtankguy is on a distinguished road

Ya the tank has my undivided attention for a while (unless there is a poker game)

As an update I managed to get a hold of 50lbs of dry rock that is currently soaking and I will be checking in with a LFS because they have a new shipment of L.R coming in the next two days. I am going to fine tune a few things in the mean time and I will post some pics soon......
150Gal 48x24x30 with centre rear overflow (1" controlled drain with 1 1/2" emergency and 1" pump return)
33 gal sump/refugium
Sun System Tek-light T5 6 bulb
Mag18 return pump
RLSS R8i skimmer
Neptune Apex controller
BRS combe reactor (carbon GFO)
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