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Old 11-05-2012, 03:35 PM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

I've walked out of quite a few stores as of late partially for the same reason. Although my biggest pet peeve as of late, and really it makes me want to loose my marbles with some employees is the attitude you get when you ask these employees for said prices.

I have had employees eyeroll me to my face when I ask them to come over and provide me pricing on their livestock or drygoods.

Also, just 'cause you come into the store with sweats and no make up is not a valid reason to discriminate against your customers. Its sad that you have to dress up to get service at some shops. I stood around somewhere for 45 minutes without the fainest acknowledgement from a store the weekend before last while I tried to spent a few hundred dollars on drygoods. Went back the Sunday dressed up and wow, people were dropping what they were doing to ask if I need help.
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