Regal tang (hippo) - ex lg (8" tip to tail) $60 (4"+ at jl's is $85)
Yellow tang - lg ( 5") $45 ($79 @ Jl's)
(Phil/indian) Sailfin tang $35
Foxface ex lg (8") $40
Flame angel - $30 SOLD
Coral beauty - $20
4 percula clowns - $10 ea or 4 for $35 1 SOLD
Lyretail anthias male $12 Sold
6 line wrasse lg - $10 Sold
Bi-color blenny - $7 Sold
2 Scissortail gobies (1 eats a lot but is skinny?) - $7 ea Sold
1 Blue devil damsel ( female) $3
2 Green chromis 2 for $5 SOLD
1 Cleaner shrimp lg - $10 SOLD
150 lbs of live rock. Lots of big pieces and great shapes. $3.50/ lb
1 very lg pink tip anemone (18") $50
2 bubble tip anemone $15 ea Sold (1 small 1/2 torn a bit left)
assorted kenya tree, cauliflower, leather/colt corals - $10 ea
1 lg 2 med star polyp colonies on rocks - $10 and $20
lots of mushrooms and smaller stuff is attached to some big pieces of rock. Buy the rock and get stuff (within reason, Rics are rock +)
Some unattached shrooms $3 - $5
colony of 4 ric/yuma's on 4 lb rock with some star polyp $25
Last edited by sask; 11-04-2012 at 04:42 PM.