Thread: Sponsors
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Old 05-02-2004, 03:05 PM
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theshad theshad is offline
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I am glad to see this post. The fact that some of you have noticed that our banner has been running on this board for a while means that you have noticed that we support this board.

I do have to agree with some of the comments about other stores. Reef Crew does not directly compete with the board for sales nor do we compete with other vendors.

Our main reason for becoming a sponsor was simple, we wanted to make sure those in the west know who we are. Secondly although this may not be the biggest board in Canada it serves a very specific market (Western Canada) and we wanted to make sure that we support the hobby and the boards that make this hobby what it is equally.

Maybe it is time for us to change our banner so you have something a bit different to look at.
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