Woke to an overflowing skimmer today. I'm sure glad it's in the sump

I don't want to clean up that mess again, so I guess it's time to think about adding a float switch to the cup
At least it didn't affect the salinity much with all the extra ATO water

I blame the overflowing on removing the Octospawn ( slime ) and adding some new corals that maybe I didn't rinse the Revive off of well enough ???
Or a bug plugged the outside air intake of my skimmer ( more believable )
Or, I had a brain fart last night and adjusted the skimmer after feeding live food ( most likely )
The QT fishies are now getting their Sg raised
Once it's back to 1.025, they have 4 weeks of observation and then into the DT they go
I changed 4 of my 8 bulbs a little while ago, with only a few days between each new pair .... dumb dumb dumb
I lost a red monti digi to bleaching

I moved it down lower when I noticed it going pale, but it was too late. Next thing I knew it was hosting pods
Guess I'll have to bug Rich for another frag
And lastly ...
Anthony and I worked out a trade for my Octospawn and some frags
Thanks Anthony
The frags need to color up / get used to my lights as Anthony has LEDs and I have T5HO
The pulsing xenia was camera shy
Meteor shower cyphastrea
Blurry shot of the multi colored Rics