Originally Posted by ashr
Are you planning on adding live sand too? If so, that ratio would be fine. It will all seed from the sand plus the 10 lbs of live rock.
Make sure to have a nice solid sand.. the worst thing would be in a couple of years after being split on with salt water and chemicals. You Don't want it to break down or rot.
It looks good so far!
Get those pictures working!
Hey Ashr, yeah I'm definately plannning on adding live sand too. I want something more on the granular side rather then plain sand just so its not going all over the water column with the flow in the tank.
I think my stand is pretty solid. 2x4s are hella strong so I hope I won't have this guy breaking on my within a year or a couple of years for that matter. All the glue and screws should do the trick. Thanks for the comments and compliments! I thrive on them!!
Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy
Looks like you have a VERY nice start to your Reef!! With everything you have I seen no reason why you couldn't keep SPS (Lacking tank maturity, wasn't stopped people before) I would definetly start out with softies and "easier" corals.
Curious why you rebuilt the stand? The halides will do just fine.
As for your test kits and suppliments make sure you find the expiry so they arn't leading you in the wrong direction.
As for the Ratio / LF to Dead rock there isn't any amount you need, The more you use the less of a cycle you will see. I would do 20% but take a look on canreef in your area maybe you'll be able to pick up some for a cheaper price. 3lbs/ pound isn't uncommon.
Good luck, you are definetly in the right place for information and to point a finger in the right direction.
EDIT: ======= As for the silicone - I would go to your LFS (local fish store) I have never had luck @ HD,Rona.
Thanks Hazratty! The fellow I bought this tank from had it all set for an SPS only tank but decided to sell it all due to personal reasons. I lucked out there!
I'm rebuilding the stand because, the original stand was only good for a 20 gallon tank as a sump. That left me no space for a fuge as well as hooking up the iwaki would also be a problem in that stand. so I decided to build a new one with potential to upgrade to a 120 (4x2x2) tank!
I'm thinking of keeping a single halide for now. I want to venture into building a DIY LED light once I set this tank up and cycling. Yeah, I still have to check the dates on the test kits.. I hope they are still good or else.. that'll be another big blow on my small pocket!
I thought about buying used as well... However, I fear Algea and the use of copper. But I'm still keeping my eyes out.. if I do find something and am assured of its quality then I might just scoop it. As for now, I'm saving up as much as I can to get the maximum amount of LR from LFS that I can afford.
I called industrial plastics today and they have aquarium safe stuff available, so I'm gonna check them out next week!!
Originally Posted by lastlight
I really liked the stand it came with perhaps your new one will be even nicer. One heck of a nice setup to purchase altogether! Don't try those radiums out you'll never be happy with LEDs later on =)
I liked that stand too.. infact its on hold for someone who contacted me for it just by looking at my journal.
I don't know about never being happy with LEDs... I've never had either so I can't say.. but for now I'm sticking to Radiums until I start and finish my LED build!