Originally Posted by Calgarynewtankguy
I just wanted to share an experience I have had with Big Al's. I had been in big Al's before because I frequent the hobby shop next door and became mesmerized by the salt water set ups. i began a few week of research and price checking and talked to the staff there. I decided to order the 150gal extra high tank (48x24x31) which I wAs told would take no more than 2 weeks to arrive. So I have my stand all built to that tank, all kinds of equipment sitting in the living room ready to install and excited. All to be told today (3 weeks late)r - no tank and no idea when it will get here and pretty much they don't care how ready I was for it. The only thing the general manager seemed concerned about was the fact that I didn't put a deposit on said tank (thank god). So now I am sitting on a stand, sump, and a whole pile of stuff and no tank!  . Just thought I should share......
If any one knows a good place to get a tank built in Calgary I am looking
Correct me if I'm wrong from reading your post.
You wanted them to special order you a tank without putting any deposit?
You obviously don't know how businesses run. Nobody would bring in an odd size tank for any customer unless they knew the customer would buy it for sure. The only way for this to happen is a deposit must be placed in case the customer backs out and the lfs is stuck with a tank that not many people want.
I'm sure if you had put a large deposit or even prepaid the tank, it would be sitting on your stand now, full of water.
Last tank was 210 reef with 90 gal sump
120 , lps. 2xKessil A350W Tuna Blues, 2xvortech mp40 for flow,aqualogic 1/4 hp chiller, 160 lbs live rock. sohal, , pair of percs,flame dotty back , royal gramma, pair of black percs, niger trigger, mandarin
55 corner bowfront freshwater, African cichlids kessil a350
30 gal 36x36 coffee table fish tank. 3 red ear sliders.
5.5 gal nano, live rock, arrow crab, baby perc, firefish.