Originally Posted by Karsten
Hello my nano tank started crashing yesterday.
I dont want all my soft corals to die do to high ammonia.
I am seeking help!
If you have room for roughly 10g worth of soft corals and a couple clown fish It would be appreciated.
I am just looking for someone to take care of these while I get my tank under control. If you think we could work out a deal let me know!
I think you can just get a 10gallon tank for $15 from LFS and put everything in there for few days. So maybe that would be an easier option for you than transferring them all to someone.
And like Shelley said, it depends on how high your ammonia is.
Anyhow, if you are still looking for someone to take care of it for few days, I live near UofC. Let me know if I can be of any help