Dose #7
Thinks are looking phenomenal, algae is about an 1/8th of the original started GFO but holding out on carbon. Had to start supplementing coral foods because of the lack of diatoms and other floating debris in the water column corals are extremely healthy. Fish are remaining unaffected. Crocea clam is a bit disgruntled but I think it's cause the cleaner wrasse was picking around him. No algae on glass and may have to start adding Nori for the grazers. I added a MP40 on short pulse mode and is seeming helpful to keeping detritus in suspension. I upped the lighting back to my original program (50%more with red supplement) so ill report the effect on that. The skimmer I'm noticing is working much less these days so I'm thinking its due to the reduction of algae producing organic waste and the detritus not getting trapped into it and causing additional unwanted nutrients. One interesting thing that happened today is when i was observing my tank i put my hand in the tank to place a knocked over coral back in its place an my cleaner wrasse picked at my arm a few times then jumped up at me hit me in the face and fell on the floor.