Also I have noticed that feeding my corals with zeovit amino acid and coral vitalizer does not make the cyano worse. The best way to get rid of cyano is to syphon it out on a very regular basis. It just disapear with time.
I think with a ULN it is a must to feed. I don't think anyone with a zeovit tank with ULN are not feeding their corals or they would just have poor growth. Corals need more than just light.
It is also normal with a ULN to have pale corals in color. Zooxanthellea die and corals need feeding.
Chemiclean is an oxidant. It does not contain antibiotics. It will get rid of the dissolved organics in the tank, and that's what cyano feed on. I use it in my main tank a few times per year just to help to clean extra dissolved organics and get rid of it. I always use less than recommanded as it makes the skimmer go wild.
Originally Posted by Enigma
I don't dose anything that I can't test for, with the exception of the Chemiclean (the ingediants of which are a closely guarded secret). Even the food I add to the system can be tested in a way: through testing the biproducts of it (nitrate and phosphate).
In an ULNS (which this system has sucessfully now become, and this has me very pleased), it is important to feed SPS. To give you an example of how low nutrient this sytem is, I haven't had to clean the glass in nearly two weeks. There is zero algae in this tank (though there is still a little bit of cyano).