it kinda sounds to me like you dose a lot of things. I guess you're trying to beat your cyano problem. I've read that you shouldn't dose anything in your tank you can't test for.
I've also noticed a lot of the tank of the month people on reef central feed don't feed their corals at all. Check out the recent TOTM on RC.
I'm a total newb and I don't do much with my tank and everything is growing beyond my expectations.
Are you running GFO, to combat your algea problem? Perhaps Cheato to help reduce phosphates? Also I don't even need to ask as I'm sure you're using RO/DI.
I guess what I'm getting at is I don't put anything in my tank except food for the fish. I also beat a nasty GH algea problem with regular water changes GFO, Cheato and patience. I find that just keeping it simple goes a long way.
I'm sure I haven't said stuff you don't already know. It's just nice sometimes to be reminded.