Well i think they have a 30000 hr warranty, and that's a long ways away and by then there will be the next best thing. I've be following some of the diy on led's on reef central and yes for the first bit u will have to tune them down.
Just can't see all that wiring and and extra fans, just my opinion. Think they will be what i want to try.
The company that is making them, are putting it together as per the groups instructions of what they want, the group has already done one buy, but i was not part of that. You can read about the first group buy here.
Current Tank Info: 187 custom reef tank, Running ZeoVit with Vibe, Apex New Gen, Jebao DCS 12000 return pump, custom180 Euro-reef skimmer, running Mazzi venturi and mag 18pump, Lighting-2 60" XHO blue reefbrites , with 8x60" T-5, 2 Maxspect Gyre XF150,and 1Maxspect Gyre XF250 Generator with controller, 120 lbs of Tonga Branch rock, custom sump and manifold