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Old 10-27-2012, 05:38 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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mseepman is on a distinguished road

Thanks for the great comments everyone! Moving closer each day!

Kevin, my wife is collecting boxes...we just haven't packed anything in them.

I promised some more pics...and here we go.

Here's a side shot of the cabinet where my overflow, plumbing, sink and LED control panels will end up. It's only partially done so far. You can see my plumbing from the fish room coming up from the bottom. That's the little bar sink which i will have available to save me from the wrath of my wife after using her kitchen sink for the last 7 years.

Here is a closer shot of the overflow:

Because they changed my stand design, I had to think quickly and have them pre-cut some holes for where I might place Vortecs or Tunzes on that wall of the tank.

And these little babies arrived the other day for my fish room. 100G each

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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