FS- Red Sea Max 250- Calgary SW $1200
Hi All,
The time has come and I will be having a baby in a few months and I have limited time to maintain my tank with all the travelling I have been doing. It must be sold in one shot.
2 Stock Pumps and 1 EUE 590
Stock Protein Skimmer
1 Coral Beauty
1 Royal Gramma
2 clown
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Salfin Gobby
1 Sandsifting Starfish
Several Turbo Snails
2 Blue legged hermit crabs
2 Peppermint Shrimp
55 Lbs of Live rock
2 heads of torch corals
1 frogspawn
all cleaning supplies, tesk kit, refractometer
5 gallon QT with filter
minor hair algae that seems to be disapperaing rapidly, a few chips on bottom of stand from moving the unit.
no trades and will not be broken down.
Last edited by RipCurl; 07-20-2013 at 02:56 AM.