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Old 10-26-2012, 03:25 PM
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dave_C dave_C is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: calgary
Posts: 282
dave_C is on a distinguished road

RC really was my go to place and I shopped 99% exclusively there. Now that I'm getting back into the hobby and they are not around (locally), and my favorite tank builder has yet to start selling livestock, I'm going to have to go out of my comfort zone and shop at places I've never been comfortable going to.[/quote]

Josh that's only because you haven't dropped by for a visit for a while

Denny aka reefwars has worked hard the last week to get four of our frag tanks up and running last night and the rest we hope to have finish next week or so.

one out of the four frag tanks will be used for a frag trading center and the other units will have stock by the end of next week.

baby steps for now unit we can found a bigger location to move into
just never believed that we would out grow 1700 sq feet in such a short time

thanks Dave

Ps i guess it's as good as any to announce reefwars is joining our team at Concepts
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