Thread: Snail ID
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Old 10-26-2012, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Kinda looks like a harmless Collinista

Does it look like the one pictured below ?
If so, it's an algae eater

My tank has dozens of small ones right now - about 2-3mm

By the way, your finger looks pretty bleached - you'd better check your lighting and nutrients
Yah it looks like the image you have attached but I am guessing mine is a baby and doesn't have such a well formed shell. As soon as I saw it, I took it out (I get very concerned with things that are not introduced by me in the tank). I am thinking whether I should put it back in.

Haha lighting and nutrients seems fine in my tank. That's the effect of flash and winter I guess. Being a brown person, I become bleached during winter

Thanks for the ID
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