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Old 10-25-2012, 10:39 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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I'm with Anthony (sorry man, I can't call you Seahorse with a straight face ). I say either replace your whole lighting with LED (which you might be able to do for $40 or so... I show you in a minute) and go with halides. With everyone and their dog going to LEDs these days there are some mean deals to be had for halides. A 24" fixture can do a 30" tank, though it'll be a little dim at the edges (PM BlazingArrow to see his wicked 30" tank. He's using my old 24" 150W Coralife fixture) or get a pair of pendants. I bet you could do it for about $100 to $120.

The whole lighting thing is a minor detail. I could tell you how to make a sexy light hanging kit that would attach to your stand for less than $20.

Now... for LEDs. Let me first direct you to exhibit A: Aquastyles. You could get everything you need for a 24 LED set up for about $85 + shipping.

Exhibit B: Pinhead's advice on cheap LED builds. I'm going this route for a cheap retrofit myself. The most expensive thing would be the heatsink and you can find some cheap ones if you look around. HeatsinkUSA is pretty good.
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