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Old 10-25-2012, 10:19 PM
Reef_Geek Reef_Geek is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default 250watt JBJ metal halide clip-on, 36" light strip, air pump

36" double florescent light strip $40
Good for hospital tanks, soft corals, FW planted tanks, refugium/sumps, culturing live phytoplankton, pods, culturing Aiptasia for Berghia cultures etc.
I do not know how old the bulbs are as I got this along with a used tank purchase. They look like regular day lights, T8s

Air pump. $5
Good for hatching brine shrimp, fish in buckets while drip-acclimating, culturing rotifers/algae etc.

JBJ 250 watt K2 Viper (clips on side of tank) metal halide with spare bulb for $160

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