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Old 10-25-2012, 10:16 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by mexxedm View Post
Hi I was on the same boat when I started my tank.
My suggestion is to buy Bio-Spira (benificial bacteria) that instantly cycle your tank. Poor the whole bottle in the tank. The first couple weeks, watch out for ammonia. After that, get Natural Nitrate Reducer to eliminate Nitrate. You can also buy sea water in cans to boost up the system.
I don't see enough lighting in the tank as well.
All the additives I said are available at PetSmart. They are cheaper than any other store.
Good luck!
Not to rag on you, but I have to disagree. At this point, now that there are corals in the tank, I wouldn't be going for the instant cycle. That's a surefire way to kill the corals. Adding bacteria can help speed things up, but do so slowly. I used Microbacter7 when I transferred my livestock to a new tank to help things along. While it did help shorten the cycle, it did also cause some issues and I lost a few huge, very helthy colonies that were a couple years old. Best advice I ever got in this hobby: Nothing good ever happens fast in marine tanks.

Also, he has a Kessil A350W LED over a 30g. You could BBQ your corals with that. I don't think too little lighting is the issue. Probably the opposite.
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