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Old 10-24-2012, 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by molotov View Post
If Denny spearheaded the order I'd be in for two or three hundred. My concern is with this many people in on an order of this size, how will I know I'm getting the corals I ordered. Some show up all browned out, and some are unidentifiable after shipping.

What if three people order the same piece and one is DOA? Then who's out the dead coral?

Also if we're placing this big of an order I'm sure Burc would throw in a few extra pieces. Who would get those? I mean he's probably looking at an order over a grand so I"m sure he'll spend the time to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. I guess if Denny can organize it I wouldn't have a problem with him getting the kickbacks. I've bought quite a few pieces off Denny and I trust my order of $200-$300 in his hands for sure. He's probably the most capable of unpacking/caring for the corals and holding them for sure!!!!!

I dunno....Denny what do you think?
He doesnt stick 100 coral in a bag and send it off like that. Each coral is bagged on its own, and all the coral belonging to 1 persons order gets put in a bag with their name. So the box will have numerous bags that have names on them.
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