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Old 10-24-2012, 06:54 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 1,894
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I am so fed up with my job, contractors, clients etc..... Contractors think they can take their sweet ass time getting a job done when they've been paid a 50% deposit. Oh, let's walk away from the job right in the middle of the day and leave the client (me) to deal with the fallout of ****ed off people emailing, calling and stopping in to complain. Or let's do a major power upgrade and when the entire building's power trips, its because the tenants are now overloading the system????? WE JUST UPGRADED THE AMOUNT OF POWER AVAILABLE!!!! Or, how about contractors who arbitrariliy decide to terminate their contract, with no notice they are terminating a contract, stop performing the work, but continue to invoice, including providing timesheets, we find out 3 months later and are still waiting to be reimbursed. Or, another on another project, the contractor was requested to provide information so that once completed, we could hit the ground running, no, don't get it and when we do, the supplier has no clue what we are even talking about. And the job is not completed because we were informed of final connection requirements. And I get blasted for documents not being completed, when I am not the one responsible for completing the documents, I don't negotiate corporate contracts, yet, I am asked to decipher what the corporate people come up with? Morons!!!! I just finished yelling at my boss for this, well plugged my ears so I couldn't hear him....

What is wrong with contractors in this city???? These are not mom and pop groups, they are big corporations and they really do not give a crap about performance or reputation. There's a lot of folks getting fired now as I've had enough....Its not specific industry, its all of them it seems. AGH....sorry for the rant....
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