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Old 04-29-2004, 06:40 PM
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Default Refugium to Tank Ratio

Just wanted to see what type of ratio people have between their tank size and the refugium they have on it.

Who has the largest? who has the smallest? is their an average size out there?

Since the use of a refugium seems to be a hot topic and in an effort to produce a more naturally fed tank Reef Crew will be conducting an experiment of sorts.

We are having a refugium made that should be about 50- 55Gal in size and we will be adding this to our 45Gal (35Gal actual water volume) tank. This will provide us about a 1:1.5 ratio of tank to refugium.

We want to see how much live food we can produce in the refugium, while providing a large amount of food to the tank.

How much can Corals and fish eat? maybe this will bring us one step closer to being better able to answer this question.

Let us know what your ratio is and what you think of our experiment.
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