Originally Posted by reefwars
HA goodluck with that lol my copperband is doing great although i wouldnt keep him in there long term , i have bigger tanks he could go in but the 25g was the best option as theres lots of food,hiding places and a quiet surroundings.....so a great place to fatten him up and train him on to other foods.
so far he eats mysis, brine,pacifica plankton, and nls pellets.
not bad considering when i got him he only ate mysis and spit everything else out lol im sure the continuous feedings of the tank is helping too.
hes hands down my favorite fish right now and takes food from my hand 
I will also keep him for a few months
Yah copperband is a gorgeous fish, particularly for the color combo! Great to know that it's eating out of your hand. I guess I will come by your house next week to see it and grab a few SPS from you (you wouldn't mind fragging a few from the SPS stack you got right?
