Originally Posted by reefwars
i also noticed steve you offered fragging seminars a while back and thought hey its nice to see a store offering to educate others.
seems like you want to work with the public, while others are working the public...get it lol ??:P:P
Anyone else here a scuba diver? If so, then you know the system of continuing education at dive shops to keep you engaged, keep you diving, and keep you as an active customer to keep you from dropping out of the hobby. Courses go from Open Water > Advanced Open Water > Rescue Diver > Dive Master > Instructor > > master instructor > coarse director (instructor of instructors)
Always thought that there would be some transfer-ability to aquarium retail.
Imagine, you have an intro to aquarium course, then specialty courses like planted tanks, breeding & rearing angelfish/dwarf cichlids, then intro to marine tanks and reef basics, followed by coral propagation, clownfish/dottyback/goby breeding and rearing, then master aquarist, and instructor... the hardest part is drafting/writing curriculum materials.