Originally Posted by kien
This is a VERY, VERY, good point. There is nothing more annoying than to try and shop while at the same time having to watch that your kid doesn't burn or electrocute himself on that metal halide that's sitting on the floor over the salt water tank with salt water on the floor. 
I never even really thought about the lights! One more thing to worry about.
The only place I could take my little guy was Red Coral. Red Coral was so safe and roomy (with the exception of the live rock tank). It was very easy to browse the livestock and keep an eye on my son at the same time. I even let him wander around the store a little bit: so he could have a look at what he found interesting (under my watchful eye, of course). I have tried to take him into a couple of other places, but it was just far too risky to stay in the stores for any length of time.