Originally Posted by jorjef
How long have these shops been in business? I'm guessing quite some time and are set in their ways and still in business. Not saying their systems are perfect but it's the way they want things. I feel your pain about being forced to shop at these places.... Regina has ONE store which I and many people in the city won't buy from unless absolutely necessary, be thankful you have 5 or what ever the count is at.
I made an hour and a half detour to hit a Bayside in Saskatoon on the way home this weekend. Tanks were marked with prices..  Picked up a nice Yellow Candy Hogfish
I admit not having tanks marked with prices is annoying but take it as an opportunity to turn the tables on the shop owner... Low ball an offer on a fish or coral and get the haggling started 
these business have been in operation a long time , i know all of them personally and im even trying to help one store do better business, fact is he knows the condition but its scaled out of hand over the years.....ive seen pics from 10yrs ago and the store was immaculate.
im not saying these guys arnt nice people because they are , its not a personal thing its a business thing.
overall we have a bunch of stores ran and owned by hobbysts, we also have quite a few compared to most citys , one store copied the next when it did well and the other copied that one basically.....
red coral was on to their own thing that wasnt copied, they had improved some of the ideas talked about here and look what happened, even after they are closed these same customers give the highest praise.
red coral was able to expand into 3 stores and a new facility...why?? i mean he was getting business right so why expand if your already making good business?? because he wanted so much more for his store then just to do well , he wanted his city to have what it needed and imo still does need and he understood the opportunity that was given and took hold of it. kevin seen the opportunity and knew there was room to exand.
no other lfs in this city has a franchise do they??(not talking big box stores) they probably could have though but they dont have that expectation that drive to succeed....they have settled for what they have.
he asked his customers what they wanted and then provided it to them as best he could...it paid off.....its sad that issues happened lately forcing him to close but he had the right idea.
is there a place in this town to buy a yellow tang??....yes
would i prefer to buy this yellow tang at a store i like??...yes
theres the recipe for success right there....basically provide a product or service and make the customers WANT to come to you for business.
the pizza joint next to my house sells dirt cheap pizza....its gross but ive ordered it in a jam before...
theres a spot a bit of a ways, i pay a bit more but at least i can swallow it.....this place always gets my first order