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Old 10-22-2012, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
if pricing is so hard for our lfs to do then why does lfs in other citys have no problems doing this??

like nick mentioned the stores in edmonton do this , so do the stores ive visited in ontario and in newfoundland....

thers no reason at all why stores elsewhere can put prices on stuff but ours has nothing to do with anything but being pure lazy or trying to grease extra coin out of customers....the stores here dont care and want you to have to ask for a price , becuase their price changes customer to customer.
I 1000% agree. Nothing is more annoying then the price changing from one staff quote to the next or for one customer to the next or from day to day especially on dry goods. Yes livestock prices will change week to week depending where the fish was shipped from but dry goods generally stay the same (price wise) and shouldn't be $12 on Monday and $7 Tuesday.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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