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Old 10-22-2012, 07:24 PM
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jorjef jorjef is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Regina
Posts: 983
jorjef is on a distinguished road

How long have these shops been in business? I'm guessing quite some time and are set in their ways and still in business. Not saying their systems are perfect but it's the way they want things. I feel your pain about being forced to shop at these places.... Regina has ONE store which I and many people in the city won't buy from unless absolutely necessary, be thankful you have 5 or what ever the count is at.

I made an hour and a half detour to hit a Bayside in Saskatoon on the way home this weekend. Tanks were marked with prices.. Picked up a nice Yellow Candy Hogfish

I admit not having tanks marked with prices is annoying but take it as an opportunity to turn the tables on the shop owner... Low ball an offer on a fish or coral and get the haggling started

Last edited by jorjef; 10-22-2012 at 07:26 PM.
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