Originally Posted by Delphinus
Great pictures as always!
How big are the angels now Kien? Anything that they pick at or are they behaving well? (I see they don't pick at GSP  )
Thanks! The queen has grown a couple of inches since I got her a little over a year ago. I think she's about 6 inches now, tip to tail? The flame angel is your typical runt size angel, nothing unusual there and the Regal is your typical mid-sized angel at around 4 inches? I have not noticed much growth in the Regal Angel at all since I got her, also about a year ago.
They are all behaving like typical Angels LOL. When I first got them they picked at EVERYTHING. Clams, zoas, LPS, SPS. This was about a year ago when I still had the "FOWLR" so they didn't last long in the 150g Mixed Reef (yes, I did try them in there very briefly). I would occasionally put corals in the "FOWLR" and they would quickly go to town on them, of course. However, over the year they seem to have changed their ways. Towards the end days for the "FOWLR" I noticed that they stopped picking on SPS and LPS that were in there. I even put my giant squamosa clam in there for a while and they didn't touch it. The emperor angel that I had at the time loved the squamosa clam though.
Anyway, when I shut down the 131 "FOWLR" and moved those angels to the mixed reef they didn't seem to care for any of my clams in there or my sps (that I had at the time). They did however like LPS like acans, my watermellon chalice and various nuisance soft corals. I had a very serious infestation of these unidentifiable brown polyp softies that just completely took over one of my rock structures and smothered some corals, crawled on the sandbed and started to invade my other rock structures! It was horrible. My queen angel went to town on that stuff and cleaned that all up within a week.

They are quite piggy angels and eat anything I throw into the tank which is nice, especially for the Regal because those guys are a brutal to get eating. It's strange because I have tonnes of sponges in my tank, and a lot of different varieties/colours yet none of the angels touch any of my sponges. Go figure
Originally Posted by Salt2Death
Love it
Sent Via The Pirate Ship...
Originally Posted by riceboy
is that a new acro i see in there lol
so it has begun 
LOL nothing gets past you does it :-) Ya, I went to a few stores over the weekend and went dumpster (brown bin) diving. Found a few nicely browned out corals that the store owner practically gave to me

I didn't take any pictures of them because, well, they are brown and not much to look at. However, I do see the potential in them and I'm hoping they will force me to keep my momentum in an effort to get them to colour up. Maybe I should take some pictures of them so that I have a record of the before and after. Or the before and just-the-same-as-before.