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Old 10-22-2012, 02:40 AM
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imisky imisky is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Langley, BC
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With a provided slicing profile, 20 microns is perfectly fine. Now telling a new user, who has limited experience with a 3D printer and no profile is another story lol. Thats where majority of the failures occur.

Ive been wanting to try Cura (skeinpypy). I use skeinforge + slic3r but would appreciate the accelerated slicing of pypy on skeinforge as I like it way better over slic3r.

I was wondering about netfabb as I know one of the default resolution in netfabb for UM is 0.075mm. So it should allow for a person to use it to adjust for 20 micron more easily. But again Ive never seen anyone use netfabb for slicing, only to fix broken STLS.
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