Originally Posted by albert_dao
Not all stores are big enough to have the sort of space to do that. Also, when you move fish around, you never know when they're just going to kill each other (e.g. Angels and tangs)..
Besides, it's that or sell fish that haven't been long-term acclimated.
Personally, I appreciate it when a store is willing assume the risk and hold onto a fish for me, treat it for disease and make sure it's eating before I take it home.
i do too in fact i think it should be something every fish store is willing to do although not in the for sale or display tanks they should be moved to a private tank, sure not all strores are gonna have that room but fact is if you plan to buy a building/fishstore with no where to work or do business besides that one room then you really set it up on yourself , its not the customers fault a store doesnt have enough room.
i guess it goes back to when the lease was signed and how much thought was put into expanding and operations.
i dont feel any sympathy for those running stores with everything in the same aisle, fact is its a business
every business has operations and things to do that are not in the best interest of customers to be viewing.
since im on the walmart band wagon what if walmart started holding things for peopke in the isles , you mean to tell me you wouldnt get frustrated picking between whats for sale and whats not for sale??
i would expect walmart to have a place to hold lay away items and overstock goods just the same as i would a fishstore or any business that sells multile products.
but i do know what your saying yes an established business may not have enough room or ability to do so. the fishstore next to my house is a prime example i sometimes have to wait 15 mins for someone to get out of the isle so i can walk down it and view...and more times then not theres either someone mopping , some mom and her kids viewing , 2 people just having a reef chat or a employee serving a customer......either way its cramped and i feel like i need to wait for someone to announce " now serving customer 213" i hate going there for that reason and i know others that do as well. great very friendly people and nice stuff but too small a business location.