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Old 10-21-2012, 09:58 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
is anyone else like me and hate seeing "sold " or "on hold " or " nfs " written on the tanks , imo if somethings sold or on hold it should go in a holding tank thats not viewable by customers.

Not all stores are big enough to have the sort of space to do that. Also, when you move fish around, you never know when they're just going to kill each other (e.g. Angels and tangs)..

Besides, it's that or sell fish that haven't been long-term acclimated.

Personally, I appreciate it when a store is willing assume the risk and hold onto a fish for me, treat it for disease and make sure it's eating before I take it home.
This and that.
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