Originally Posted by fishoholic
100% agree. I know of one store in Calgary that in particular is really bad for that. It really ****es me off! Especially when he tells one person he doesn't know that it's an $80 coral and 10min's later tells someone he knows it's $40 for the same coral. I know people who are frequent buyers and are close to the owners get discounts and ok fine, but usually the owner will give 10-20% off, not come up with a totally different price all together! To consistently quote totally different prices to different people (that sometimes are almost half the price or less of what he quoted one person to the next) is frustrating and annoying and IMO no way to run a business. Prices should be shown (and yes sometimes depending on how much shipment prices cost the prices will change) but regardless they should be written on the tanks for everyone to see and not be some sort of secret.
This is what irritates me the most. If you work at a buddy relationship with the stores, they will offer you better pricing. This is not fair as I don't always have time. I'd like to walk in and see pricing. Store owners and staff can be busy with others and I would like to be able to price out my interests on my own.
I do think we have a great selection of stores here run by great people and appreciate their time when I do stop in. I wish more offered more frags, it's hard to buy an $80 coral only to have it not work out in your tank, a smaller piece at lower cost is easier to cope with.