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Old 10-21-2012, 05:58 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
They're usually around 11-3 AM and at that point, you REALLY don't want to be sitting around all night rearranging stuffs.

hey a jobs a job lol

no one wants to be doing anything that late but sometimes you got to bite the bullet and put in the late nights early mornings , its def not an easy thing to do but if informing your customers of its products is imortant to your business then the extra hours are worth it.

i mean alot of business get late night deliveries ,alot also do inventory and stock at night.

and its not like the next day everything in the store was sold and there was no time to put names and prices down.

there are about a dozen stores i can think of that do mark their livestock reguarily, just takes some organizing

im pro prices lol
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