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Old 10-21-2012, 05:42 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
The store I use to work at in Calgary didn't mark their prices on the tanks due to the sheer variety of animals in each tank (you wouldn't be able to see the livestock through the wall of grease pen), but everyone had a VERY firm grasp on livestock value. Prices didn't change from hour to hour, day to day like one would imagine.
A small stick at the bottom of the tank with fish name & price would be helpful, I don't really like the whole writing on the tank but it's better then nothing. Prices do change on a regular basis from what I have seen & once when I was at a shop I asked a price of something I really liked & while I was still looking at other stock I heard the store employee tell someone else a different lower price on the exact same thing.
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