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Old 10-21-2012, 05:26 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
The store I use to work at in Calgary didn't mark their prices on the tanks due to the sheer variety of animals in each tank (you wouldn't be able to see the livestock through the wall of grease pen), but everyone had a VERY firm grasp on livestock value. Prices didn't change from hour to hour, day to day like one would imagine.

which brings me to the next point of dedicated systems , i personally want to see sps with sps zoos with zoos and corals of the same species etc housed together, not scattered in 15 different locations in the store, to me thats clutter.....if creating a reef is the goal then do a display only .

sometimes i feel like im shopping in the $5 bin of movies at walmart....i never find a movie i like and settle for a cheap laugh i had years ago lol :P
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