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Old 10-20-2012, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I think the problem is that when you're coming from Radiums and in particular Radiums on SonAgro, you get totally spoiled and develop higher expectations!

I can't add anything useful to this discussion other than I'm disappointed to hear this, I was considering giving up on the halides (3 Radiums) because of the heat and humidity and in this shoulder season where it's not cold enough outside to run the HRV, it's putting my house into an awkward spot of excessive humidity. Now I'm thinking I'm just going to start cutting holes in the walls to the outside to increase the ventilation in the tank room and keep the darn Radiums!
I would BTW, I stopped running the SonAgro ballasts about 8 years ago, just been running e-ballasts. I'm starting to consider how i could vent the tank to get rid of humidity -lol
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