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Old 10-19-2012, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Just catching up with what everyone's been up to and it's nice to see you back at it! I do have one concern with the placement of the tank though. Have you taken into consideration the "morning after benders" ? You know, when you're hung over and staggering down those stairs? There doesn't appear to be much margin for error
Good to see you on the forums kien! I haven't been back long, but I haven't seen you around since returning! How's things?

I didn't take them "morning after benders" into consideration, because they don't happen anymore.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
looking good, hopefully you're done moving furniture up and down those stairs
Thanks Steve. haha.. It's not to bad really, it's been there for a few weeks now and I have yet to even graze it with my arm, even in the pitch dark when I go to work. We shouldn't need any furniture coming in. We've both got everything we need really. It can actually go back a few more inches when I'm ready to fill it.

Besides getting the plumbing going on the tank, I've been working on how I'm going to have my waterchange/mixing station setup in back room. Plan right now is to have dual 15G Tanks. One with Fresh RO and another with Mixed SW for WCs. Each with a bulk head in the bottom and a ball valve attached for transferring the contents to the tank.

Progress is a bit slow with my current work load at the office ramped up this last little while. Should be able to get a few things rolling next weekend.

Originally Posted by FishyFishy! View Post
And you can sit on the washer and dryer to watch the tank! (reflection)
I actually think I will be doing a lot more viewing from the stairs Something about looking into 40" of water tickles my fancy! If anything, this will encourage me to do laundry more often!
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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