Originally Posted by reefwars
dude that sucks so bad nothing you can take??
Originally Posted by The Grizz
Dude that is brutal!! I get massive migraines to do a car accident 5 yrs ago and they are totally debilitating some days and can last for days as well. My aunt gets cluster headaches and the first time it happened we thought she had a stroke. I have to use several ice packs on the back of my head and neck to reduce the pain.
they use to put me on oxygen and shoot antiinflamitories into the base of my skull but the nerologist that did it has since left town. now most hospitals look at me like im jonesing.paramedics once picked me up off the pavement when i fell out of the truck from being parlyzed buy the head ache. when i got in the ER they figured i was lookin for a hit and i stayed in the waitin room for 4 hours before leaving.... since then i have alternitive means of pain relief